
This site is designed to provide modern contest log handling functions for small- to medium-sized contests. Capabilities include:

Generally, a generic log submission form is customized with the appropriate fields for small or new contests, while forms designed to mimic a contest's web site are available for well-established contests, such as state QSO parties.

The following contests are supported on this site:

[link]7th Call Area QSO Party
[link]Arizona QSO Party
[link]Canadian Prairies QSO Party
[link]CWops CW Open
[link]Florida QSO Party
[link]FT Challenge
[link]Hawaii QSO Party
[link]Idaho QSO Party
[link]Iowa QSO Party
[link]Kansas QSO Party
[link]Kentucky QSO Party
[link]Louisiana QSO Party
[link]Minnesota QSO Party
[link]Nevada QSO Party
[link]New England QSO Party
[link]New York QSO Party
[link]Oceania DX Contest
[link]Quebec QSO Party
[link]SEC QSO Party
[link]Solar Eclipse QSO Party
[link]Tennessee QSO Party
[link]W1GHZ 47G Cumulative Contest
[link]Washington Salmon Run